As a small business owner, you likely wear a lot of hats. When it comes to managing your finances, you’ve likely realized that there are many tasks that demand more time and attention than you have to offer. While there are reliable software packages designed to streamline do-it-yourself small business accounting, there are also numerous benefits associated with hiring an accountant trained in your field. For example, a skilled accountant:
Understands your industry. Specialized accounting professionals will stay abreast of trends that impact your profitability and bottom line. That means they can offer you business-specific tax advice to make sure you maximize your annual tax savings. They are also knowledgeable about new tax laws so you stay compliant in your ever-evolving field.
Can offer advice on equipment purchases. Investing in the latest technology and equipment may be an important part of keeping your business on the leading edge. A specialized accountant can advise you on the financial benefits and liabilities associated with these types of investments, so you can make informed choices that save you money in the long run.
Is trained to help you see the big picture. Industry-specific accounting professionals can provide useful comparisons that benchmark your business against other similar ones. This kind of insight can help you make informed choices when it comes to hiring, adding products and services, or expansion decisions that require a financial investment.
Can assist with retirement planning. If you are self-employed (and many entrepreneurs are), responsibility for retirement planning is solely up to you. A good CPA can advise you on the right types of plans for your situation and help you strategize on your long-term financial goals.
Is connected with other industry professionals. Perhaps you want to purchase a larger facility or add a partner to your business. A specialized accounting firm can connect you with banking professionals or loan officers who understand the nuances of your field, and also advise on business structure best practices when it comes to creating a partnership agreement.
Accounting for a small business encompasses so much more than simply preparing an annual tax return. A skilled small-business accountant can offer sound business advice, help analyze the financial health of your business, provide long-range financial planning, and guide you toward business decisions that keep you in the black. To learn more about how our small-business accounting services can help your business thrive, contact Apple Guerin Company LLC today for more information.