Tag: cpa baton rouge
Transitioning from Tax Planning to Treading Water
Jude Guerin, CPA
Partner, AG Dental CPAs & Advisors (LDA Premier Events
This is typically the time of the year when we are finalizing prior year tax returns and beginning to look at clients’ current year-to-date numbers to begin advising on tax planning strategies. We start to put a plan in place for the remainder of the year to give clients plenty of time to be able to successfully accomplish their financial goals. This year is anything but typical. With many of our dental clients being closed for a significant period of time, our discussions haven’t been about how much they plan to fund in their retirement plan or how much equipment they will buy. Instead, they are focused on keeping their practice afloat during this unprecedented time. Below is a chart that provides examples of the 2020 planning we are advising many clients to do and ways to help you stay above water.
Traditional Planning: | COVID Planning: |
Pay quarterly estimates to reduce the overall taxes due with your tax return and avoid underpayment penalties | Conserve cash in all areas.Tax plan with your CPA to determine if quarterly estimates are necessary. The net income of practices will be significantly lower for at least the 2nd quarter of 2020. This likely would reduce the need to pay quarterly estimates. Also, many of the deadlines for 2020 quarterly payments have been extended. |
Efficiently utilize financing programs offered by lenders when making large purchases | Contact lenders about loan deferrals for up to 3-6 months. Most lenders are offering relief in the form of interest only payments. Deferrals of any type will help in the overall theme of preserving cash as the #1 priority. |
Consider new equipment purchases to save on taxes | Utilize SBA loan programs to obtain working capital. The two most popular SBA loan products are the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Both programs have forgiveness potential for portions of the loans assuming you meet the qualifications. There are strict time frames for each loan and a limited amount of funds to be distributed. The terms are attractive as well. Overall, there are pros and cons to consider before applying. Contact your tax professional for advice and analysis. |
Fund retirement plans as much as possible to both save tax dollars and plan for the future. | Consider retirement plan withdrawals as an additional source of capital. As part of the CARES Act, retirement plan participants can withdraw up to $100,000 from eligible retirement accounts. The standard 10% penalty for early withdrawals will not apply. These distributions are available until 12/31/2020. Note: ordinary income tax on these withdrawals still applies and this should be a last resort for liquidity. |
Jude Guerin, CPA, is a partner with AG Dental CPAs & Advisors, an LDA events partner and member of the Academy of Dental CPAs. AG Dental CPAs & Advisors provides traditional accounting services, as well as dental consulting, for over 130 dentists in the Southeast United States. If you would like more information, visit www.agdentalcpas.com or call (225) 767-1020
Mastering the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Process
Jude Guerin, CPA,
Partner, AG Dental CPAs & Advisors (an LDA premier events partner)
We are five, long months into the COVID-19 crisis, and I’m sure everyone is just as ready for the three letters ‘P-P-P’ to be erased from their memory as we are at AG Dental CPAs. The constant changes, confusion, misinformation, and lack of timely guidance has stressed nearly all our dentists to their limits. On the bright side, for those that received a PPP loan, the money came at a critical time for their practices and served as a key piece in keeping everything afloat for the weeks and months of closure. Fast forward to the middle of June, many dentists are open and working hard to rebuild their schedules and collection numbers, while having the benefit of a healthy bank balance due to the PPP infusion. There are steps to be taken at this time to ensure you maximize the benefit of the PPP loan and receive forgiveness. We will cover the most essential areas below.
Tracking Your Funds
Many loan recipients set up separate bank account for their PPP funds. This has proven beneficial for multiple reasons and is a great idea. The primary benefit has been the ability to keep track of how much money from the PPP amount has been spent on eligible expenses. Another valid reason for a separate account relates to the forgiveness process. The use of a separate account will allow loan recipients to limit the information submitted to their bank and the SBA, which is the government. Not having to send bank statements from your primary operating accounts restricts the visibility of your practice’s intimate details. As we tell our clients, less is best when dealing with the government.
Using a PPP fund tracker spreadsheet will also prove helpful by the end of this process. These are easy to find at this point. Request one from either your bank or CPA. Banks will be the first set of eyes on your forgiveness application. They will be overwhelmed with these applications. Therefore, providing an easy to read summary of your fund use should help to streamline your forgiveness application. Again, a good thing.
Using Your Funds
I’m sure everyone who received a PPP loan took the same deep breath as us when the news was released extending the original 8-week time frame to use your funds to 24 weeks. It was rumored for weeks before it actually happened, but it still provided a nice relief. The additional 16 weeks allows the majority of recipients to easily use their funds without having to prepay a full summer of rent, bonus employees unnecessarily or put their mother-in-law on payroll. We are advising practice owners the simplest method is to use 100% of their funds on payroll. This will streamline the forgiveness process by requiring only payroll reports.
Timing Your Forgiveness Application
You do not want to be an early adopter in the forgiveness application stage. In May, banks began prematurely releasing forgiveness applications. This created unnecessary stress on loan recipients who began analyzing the requirements. There will be multiple iterations of this application between now and the end of 2020, so in an effort to save your valuable time from being wasted, we suggest waiting until closer to the end of 2020 before considering filling out the form. Let other eager recipients spin their wheels on the intricacies of the form. Giving the process time to unfold, adapt and change has been a good strategy throughout this crisis and will be true with the forgiveness application as well.
Remaining Questions to Consider
As of the writing of this article in the middle of June, there are lingering questions. For example, varying information on retirement and its eligibility for forgiveness exists. We know employee retirement match contributions on payroll inside the 24-week time period is forgivable. The same cannot be stated for employee owners and their retirement contributions. Avoiding relying on any retirement contributions as part of your forgiveness money would be prudent at this point.
The full-time-equivalent (FTE) rules and measuring dates are not set in stone and will likely continue to change. The safest option is to have your FTE count at the end of your 8 or 24 weeks back to at least the count as of February 15, 2020. There are safe harbor rules and exceptions that will provide a safety net for loan recipients in terms of FTE count, but the specific details and required documentation is not known.
The biggest and potentially most impactful remaining question revolves around the deductibility of forgiven PPP expenses. The Internal Revenue Service has indicated forgiven expenses will NOT be deductible as business expenses. This could create a significant tax bill depending on the size of a practice’s PPP loan. For example, consider a dental practice that received $100,000 in PPP funds. They used $100,000 of the funds on payroll and received 100% forgiveness. At the end of the year, the practice net income shows $20,000, but on their tax return, the taxable net income will be $120,000. The addition of $100,000 of “income” will cost the practice owner anywhere from $22,000 to $37,000 in taxes. There are ongoing discussions related to allowing these expenses to be deducted, but as of the middle of June, the expenses are not deductible. This is absolutely a topic that practice owners need to discuss with their CPAs as they do tax planning for 2020 to avoid a surprise tax bill in a year where it is desperately not needed.
In closing, like the common saying, the only known aspect of the PPP process is that change is certain. We suggest taking prudent steps to ensure your loan will be forgiven, including communicating with your financial professionals regarding your plans and the status of your practice, staying tuned into news releases from the LDA and ADA regarding changes or updates to the PPP program, and being proactive in tracking the money. These loan opportunities are not common, but when utilized correctly, they provide a great source of financial liquidity for recipients.
Jude Guerin, CPA, is a partner with AG Dental CPAs & Advisors, an LDA premier events partner and member of the Academy of Dental CPAs. AG Dental CPAs & Advisors provides traditional accounting services, as well as dental consulting, for over 130 dentists in the Southeast United States. If you would like more information, visit www.agdentalcpas.com or call (225) 767-1020.
Baton Rouge Accountant | Financial Freedom is Within Your Reach
Whether you’re starting up a new venture or have owned a business for years, the financial stress that can come from being a business owner can sometimes overwhelm even the most consummate professionals. Our primary focus at Apple Guerin Company is to help you achieve complete financial freedom so that financial worries and concerns never interfere with your ability to lead and grow your business.
Below are some tips you can follow on your own to help build a rock-solid foundation for your business.
1. Set goals. Don’t hesitate to dream big. Your business will only be as successful as you envision it. Setting goals allows you to have a clear ‘ruler’ to measure your success and can help you make better financial decisions in the present. By recognizing that every small decision you make now can have a true impact on the future, you’ll be able to start setting yourself up for success. Your future self and future team will thank you.
2. Have a plan. As the saying goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail.” In order to see true growth, you’ll need to have both short and long-term plans set in place for your business. How will you allocate new earnings? How is your business prepared to deal with slow times or another unexpected shutdown? How are you budgeting for new purchases? If you don’t already have answers to these questions, this is a great place to start. Planning for the unexpected and for the future can help safeguard your profitability from being derailed by unplanned expenses.
3. Act wisely. When starting or growing your business, there can be benefits to taking on strategic debt. However, doing so in a manner that will benefit, rather than hinder your growth requires a firm understanding of the returns you can expect on your investments. Don’t make big purchases without a plan, but instead weigh the potential benefits and risks of all your financial decisions.
4. Stay organized. Disorganization can be the quick downfall of any business. In order to ensure that you’re not letting anything slip through the cracks, it’s important to have systems in place that will guarantee that no details are missed. In addition to protecting you from unforeseen troubles, efficient organization can also help bring opportunities for improvement to the forefront.
If you want to take steps towards achieving true financial freedom, Apple Guerin Company is here for you. Our goal is to make the process of managing and running your business as smooth as possible, allowing you to focus on serving your community and clients and growing your business. Contact us today to learn more.
Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (255) 767-1020
Url: https://appleguerin.com/
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
CPA in Baton Rouge | The Business Management Tools You Need
Business management tools refer to the systems, applications, and methods used by businesses in their day to day operations. These tools are used to ensure that organizations can keep up with changing markets, ensure a competitive position within those markets, and improve their performance. Many of these tools can be used to help manage your operations and guide your business towards success.
Mission Statements
These are short statements that define what your business is and identifies your goals. According to Forbes magazine, a mission statement must answer these questions:
- “What do we do?”
- “How do we do it?”
- “Whom do we do it for?”
- “What value are we bringing?”
Mission statements provide a sense of direction that helps you make beneficial decisions and plan for the future. It also gives a clear, defined purpose, and acts a motivational tool to encourage your staff to work towards a common goal.
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning builds off of mission statements. It is the process of defining a direction for your business and making decisions that contribute towards that direction. A proper strategy describes how your goals can be achieved with the means you have.
Strategic planning can be simple and has a demonstrable impact on your business’s success. Write down your core values and create a vision of where you want to be within five years. Then determine what the steps are that will help you achieve that vision. Make sure to stress these goals and vision to your staff and explain how they tie into your mission statement. This will ensure they work towards them every day.
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the act of using data analysis to improve business relationships with your current and potential customers. CRM compiles data from a wide range of sources, including your business’ website, marketing materials, and social media. Using the CRM approach helps you learn about your customer base and how best to cater to their needs.
The best way to bring customer relationship management into your business is to invest in a CRM system. These are software programs that can store customer information, record information about transactions and meetings, and manage marketing campaigns all in one central location. There are many CRM systems designed specifically for certain industries, but some general-purpose softwares include Salesforce, Zoho, and HubSpot.
You’re more than just an owner of a business. You’re also the leader of your team. Having quality leadership skills is more than just being able to delegate and hire the right people for the job. It’s about staying in control emotionally and being consistent in leadership.
It can take a long time to reach a point where you’re consistent, and that’s perfectly fine- but don’t settle for half-measures. Communicate with your team and ask them for suggestions about what you can do to lead better.
All of these management tools and more can help improve the performance of your business. Our team has resources to help you learn more about business management tools and how to maximize your potential. Contact us to find out more.
Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (225) 767-1020
Url: https://appleguerin.com/
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
CPA in Baton Rouge | Key Performance Indicators for Businesses
Key performance indicators (KPIs) refer to a set of quantifiable measurements used to gauge a business’ long-term performance. KPIs are used by every industry to measure progress towards tangible goals, such as increasing revenue by 20% in a year, or improving customer retention rates by 5%. Using KPIs to evaluate specific areas of your business will show you where you can improve in order to better your financial success.
The Different Types of KPIs
KPIs can be organized into several different types, depending on what area of a business they affect. There are five categories:
- Inputs – Inputs refer to the resources used in producing outputs (see below). For example, input KPIs for an office might include paper for printers and the cost of the electricity to power the computers.
- Process – Also called “activity,” these measure the processes used in producing outputs (see below.) This could refer to the amount of time spent with a customer or the amount of people working on a specific project.
- Outputs – Outputs refer to measurements that indicate the amount of work done and what was produced. In most businesses, outputs result in tangible products or hard data.
- Outcomes – These KPIs are a little more abstract, focusing on accomplishments and impacts. Customer satisfaction and positive retention rates are two outcome KPIs every business can benefit from.
- Project – Like outcomes, project KPIs are rather abstract. They are meant to answer questions related to milestone progress towards important initiatives. For example, adding a specific amount of new customers via a marketing campaign is a project KPI.
How Can I Use KPIs In My Business?
One important thing to keep in mind is that KPIs do not need to be tied to financial data. Outcome and project KPIs can help improve a business’ relationship with their customers and community. Every aspect of a business can be analyzed and improved through smart use of KPIs. Establishing them is an easy process:
- Write a clear goal for your KPI. Tie the goal to a key business objective, something integral to the organization’s success. Make sure the goal is strategic, otherwise it will not translate into tangible outcomes.
- Communicate the new KPIs to employees. Be sure to not only explain what the goal they’ll be working towards is, but why they’re working towards it. Someone on staff may just have an idea to improve the goal.
- Review your KPIs regularly. Use records and hard numbers to track progress. For example, if a process KPI is set to add another employee to a project to complete it faster, compare the rate of project completion before and after the goal is introduced.
- Evolve your KPIs if need be. If the results fall short of expectations, fine tune the goals or change directions entirely. Change may bring about a new, more efficient way of getting to the same destination.
Key performance indicators are an effective strategy to get your business to where you want it to be. They are easy to define and act upon, making them reliable ways to track progress. For more information on KPIs and how they can be used to grow your business, contact our experienced accountants today for more information.
Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (225) 767-1020
Url: https://appleguerin.com/
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
CPA in Baton Rouge | What You Should Know About Your Business’ Finances
As the owner of your own business, you’re most likely also responsible for the financial health of your company. As the leader of your own business, this responsibility probably isn’t one that you would change, but it may be one that you can improve on. Here are a few ways that you can better understand your finances to help ensure your growth and continued success.
Do you Have a Strong Billing Strategy?
Managing the finances of your business means collecting payments from your customers. Short of hiring an enforcer to collect payments like some kind of loan shark, a strong billing strategy can help you receive these payments in a timely and efficient manner. If you struggle to collect payment, take a look at what strategies you use and learn how to help improve the day-to-day functionality of your business. An accountant may be able to help you create a more powerful billing strategy.
How Are You Spending, and What Returns Are You Seeing?
By knowing this information about your business’ finances, you’ll have a much clearer picture of your company. From this knowledge, you can make more informed decisions about which expenditures continue to make sense, and which you could most likely cut back on without seeing a large dip in productivity. Understanding your company’s finances and using that understanding to make better decisions is the main speciality of a CPA. If accounting and handling the finances of your business isn’t your strong suit, our team is here to help.
Prepare For the Future, Whether it Holds Growth or Decline
You solve problems for your business every day. This won’t change in the future, but you can ensure that you’re equipped to handle even the most difficult of problems by preparing for the future with your finances.
Setting aside a little money consistently can help you have a large fund when opportunities for growth pop up. This fund can also be used if you ever find yourself in an emergency. Either way, having a financial plan is essential for a thriving business and a stable financial future.
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, give our team of skilled accountants a call. We can help with more than just your taxes. Together, we can discuss the current financial health of your business and devise a plan for growth and a more secure financial situation. Whatever your needs, our expertise is here to help your business grow.
Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge , LA 70808
Baton Rouge Accountant | Our Accountants Can Help Your Business Grow
As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. With so many competing demands, you may find you struggle to find time for proper accounting. One consideration that can help streamline your business and give you more time for other priorities is hiring a professional accountant. Our team of experts can provide you with the expertise and knowledge you need when you don’t have time to do your own accounting. Of course, in addition to the time saving benefits, there are many reasons why a business owner might need an accountant, including:
- Stay Compliant With Tax Laws. Accounting professionals will keep up on the trends in your industry. Our accountant will make sure your business doesn’t end up paying more annual taxes than you need to. Tax laws are always evolving, and staying compliant with all the various changes can be difficult if you aren’t an accountant.
- Assisting With Retirement Planning. Whether you’re in the first year of your business or you can see retirement within the next couple years, it’s always a good idea to think about retirement and planning for the future. Having an accountant can help you set goals and plan for your future and the future of your business.
- Opportunities to Grow. Eventually you’ll want to invest in new equipment for your business. As your business grows, you may consider moving to a bigger office. Our accountant will look at your financials and advise you to make the best decision for your company.
When it comes to running a successful business, managing your finances is a key concern. If you’re looking to optimize how you spend your time and resources, consider speaking with a member of our team. Our accountants can offer you the expertise and support you need to manage this all-important area of your business so you can focus more on customers and even take your business to the next level. If you’re ready to learn more about how our team can help you, schedule your consultation today.
Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge , LA 70808
Baton Rouge LA CPA | What to Consider When Selling Your Business
Selling your dental practice can be quite an intimidating prospect. You may have numerous questions, such as: How do you make sure the business you’ve worked so hard to create, or the team you’ve come to love is properly taken care of after you’re gone? When is it too soon to make a decision, or has the time frame already passed? The good news is, the important decisions you’ll face when attempting to sell a business don’t have to be faced alone. Our team is here to help you with expert guidance and knowledge because we’ve helped many business owners just like you create successful transitions. With that in mind, here are a few things to consider when it comes time to sell.
Determine a “why”
It is important to understand why you’re considering selling the business in the first place. Is the business underperforming financially? Has it become too much work? It could also be more of a personal reason. Have you lost passion for the business? Are you considering retirement? Knowing why you’re selling is an important first step, especially if it is something that can be turned around or improved.
Timing is key
If you’ve fully committed to selling your business and are happy with your “why”, it’s important to look at the timing. Do you have a hard sell-by date? Or will you take your time? Knowing how you want to time each step is an important part of the selling process, and can make or break a deal in the end. Having a date to sell by can increase pressure, and affect the results of the sale. Taking time and assessing when the best time to sell is can take more time, but may be more rewarding in the end.
Consider partnering with outside experts
Personally handling every aspect of the sale of a business can be a full-time job itself. Using partners or contacting outside help can make the situation go much more smoothly. It may be helpful to consider contacting a broker to help with closing, or a marketing agency to help you find the right buyer for your business. Adding these resources can save you time and help with your totals in the end.
There are many factors to consider when selling a business. Make sure you take the time to think through all areas that may affect your situation. An important decision like closing a business can have many repercussions, and eliminating as many variables as possible will only make for a better sale in the end. If you’re looking for expert assistance in the sale of your business, call our team today and see how we can help you.
Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge , LA 70808
Baton Rouge LA CPA | How to be a More Effective Leader
At the core of any thriving business is an effective and powerful leader. When a team has direction, intention, and a clearly articulated purpose, they’re able to achieve the desired goals. With that in mind, it’s important to be the best leader you can possibly be. Whether you’re opening a brand new business for the first time, or have been leading a team for multiple years, there’s always room to grow.
Effective leaders create a compelling direction.
People work best when they have a set of goals they’re working to achieve, and your team is no different. When communicating, make sure you set concrete and attainable goals for your employees. Make sure they understand why these goals are important, not only to the success of your business, but to their own personal success. As they work to achieve these goals, it’s important to monitor their progress in order to make sure everyone is performing at an optimal level.
Effective leaders create lasting solutions.
When an issue inevitably arises in your business, how will you address it? If your solution is a temporary fix, it will only lead to more headaches and struggles for your team later. The difference between a leader and a follower is that a leader won’t settle for a quick fix when they know their team is capable of more.
Effective leaders know when to be flexible, and when not to be.
Many new leaders make one of two mistakes. They either allow their team to walk all over them, giving in to any demand or complaint, or they take the opposite approach and refuse to change anything. Both are disastrous and will derail the success of your business. There are times when you will have to go with the flow, making adjustments based on what your team and your practice needs. These changes can affect everything from your systems to your leadership style. However, there are also times when you must push your team and your business forward.
Effective leaders understand when they need support.
Oftentimes, leaders believe that they need to handle it all themselves, having the weight of the entire practice on their shoulders. This isn’t the case. When you lack the time or expertise to complete a project at a high level, it’s more than acceptable to ask for outside help. If your accounting skills are holding you back from a greater level of success, our team is here to help you with expert accounting services. We know how to leverage your finances to help you achieve your goals and stay on track. Contact our team for more information.
Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge , LA 70808