Baton Rouge CPA | Human Resources: FAQs

Whether you manage human resource decisions and concerns yourself or simply oversee your business manager, as the business owner, you are responsible for ensuring your policies are legal, appropriate, and applied fairly. You may find it useful to take a moment to review a few commonly asked questions regarding aspects of human resources for business owners. 

What questions do I need to avoid during interviews? 

There are a few basic, even common questions we would not think twice about asking during conversation that are not appropriate for an interview setting. Some of these include: 

  • Are you married? 
  • Do you have children? 
  • What is the origin of your (unusual) name? 

While all these questions can be meant to break the ice, they can also lead to the sharing of information about protected class status, such as disability, family status, ethnic or religious heritage, and others. Even if the answers would have no bearing on your decision, these questions can leave you open to a complaint or suit if the position is not offered. 

What should I do if an employee refuses to sign their disciplinary action form? 

Bring a witness into the room, note the refusal to sign, and have the witness sign confirmation that the disciplinary action form was provided. Additionally, remind the employee that refusal to sign does not nullify the disciplinary action and further infractions can still lead to more serious consequences. 

We use software to track the hours our employees work. The program has a function to automatically deduct meal times so the employee does not need to manually clock in and out. Should we use that function? 

Before you decide to implement an automatic system of this type, consider the time saved by not manually entering hours. Then compare that to the time lost by entering corrections if a team member misses lunch, returns early, or runs late. If your office rarely deviates from schedule, this may be beneficial. However, if you find that you are making corrections more than once or twice a week, it may be costing more time than it saves. 

If you have other questions regarding staffing concerns, contact our office for a business management consultation. 

Apple Guerin Company LLC Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Public Accountant Baton Rouge LA | Be a Leader, Not a Manager

Business leaders set the standard and pace of your work. Managers hover and maintain status quo. Which definition sounds like you? Changing the way your business is structured or operates can be a vast undertaking. Use these tips to get started on a path for developing an innovative business that you lead, not manage. 

Leaders Innovate 

Leaders develop ideas that further businesses. Managers use the framework that is already in place. Don’t hover over your employees or office staff. Let their work speak for itself and step in where necessary. Demonstrate to your team the qualities you want through your own actions. 

Do What You Do Best 

The majority of your time should be spent with clients, that is the best use of your abilities. This means you must delegate tasks to other team members. Leaders delegate tasks. Let your office staff handle the clerical side of the business. Utilize a hands-off strategy where appropriate to free your time for clients. 

Track Team Tasks 

Rather than micromanaging your team, have them write or email their daily tasks to you. This will allow you to track the team’s progress and use of time. It will also save you from constantly asking, “What did you do today?” Hold your team accountable for their tasks. Request that your team define their tasks in quantitative terms. Spot-check as you feel necessary.  

Know When to Hire and Train 

When your business feels swamped, hire and train. Leaders can recognize if their team is unable to handle the current workload. Pushing your team beyond their limits is not going to produce the results you are striving to achieve. Your team will work best when they have the necessary time and resources to do their tasks. 

Leaders don’t have the time to micromanage. Leaders know when to back off and let the business run on its own. This doesn’t mean you should let your entire operation always run on auto-pilot, but focus on letting each team member contribute their abilities in the best capacity. The only way to break through the status-quo is to allow for new ideas and strategies to take hold. This cannot be achieved if you are spending your time hovering over your team. Transform the way you manage your business and your business will transform itself. 

If you have other questions, contact our office for a business management consultation. 

Apple Guerin Company LLC Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Accounting Near Me | Medicine for Your Business

70808 Accountants

The business world often goes hand in hand with stress. Pressures to attract new customers, meet quotas, or increase productivity can make working feel like an unpleasant chore. If you have begun to dread going into the office due to an oppressive atmosphere, chances are strong that you are not alone in your feelings. Turning things around for you and your team may be easier than you think. Consider adding fun back to your business with a daily dose of laughter.

While the addition of humor to the workplace does not move deadlines or reduce the expectations for performance, it can help create a more enjoyable environment for everyone there. When the office feels fun and engaging, the work feels lighter and more accessible. Scientific studies have shown that laughter relieves tension, boosts the immune system, and relaxes the muscles. Additionally, laughing can increase memory, energy, and creativity and elevate the mood. Every office can benefit from these effects.

There are many ways to inject some humor into your workdays. Try sharing a joke with your team to start the huddle and invite them to bring their own. Post a board in a shared space and challenge everyone to bring a funny image or comic strip to hang. Have a silly shirt day once a week or once a month. Take silly photos or videos of you and your team to share on social media.

Embracing a little more humor with your colleagues and team takes only a small investment of time and can yield large increases in mood, productivity, and worker morale. For more ideas on making your work more engaging, contact our office.

Apple Guerin Company LLC Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Baton Rouge Accountant | Smart Money – Filing Taxes with an Accountant

Did you know that more than 65% of failed businesses blame financial mismanagement as their downfall? This is why forming a good relationship with a professional financial advisor is paramount to the longevity of your business.

When is the most important time to have this established relationship in place? That’s right – tax time. If you’re thinking about taking any shortcuts during this time (like using online software), you may want to reconsider. Why risk your entire business by cutting corners on something so crucial? Consider these reasons why you should work with a professional accountant.

Accountants understand tax code. Tax code is not only complicated – it changes frequently. It’s literally a full-time job interpreting and staying up to date. A financial professional will be able to guide you through this and take that stress off your plate. You’re already busy enough without having to keep up to date on tax law. Knowing you’re working with a professional can eliminate the stress of tax compliance. It’s hard to put a price on peace of mind.

Accountants know how to get you more deductions. Everyone wants to maximize their deductions, but only a true professional financial expert can get you everything you deserve.  Don’t leave any money on the table and don’t overpay on your taxes. Working with an accountant throughout the year will ensure you have the documentation you need to get your deductions and not overpay your taxes. This is exceptionally important especially for small businesses, like most dental offices.

Accountants minimize your risk. Are taxes the place where you want to cut corners and take a risk with your business and your team’s financial future? One mistake can land you in a heap of trouble. No one wants to deal with any sort of issue with the IRS let alone an audit. If you run into one of these scenarios, you’ll wind up paying far more than you would have if you worked with a professional from the beginning.

Everyone is willing to take some risks, especially small business owners and entrepreneurs.  Being brave enough to start your own business or follow your dreams is a risk in itself.  Don’t jeopardize your dream by cutting corners on one of the most important tasks of every year.  Work with a financial professional and allow yourself the peace of mind to protect what you’ve built.

If you have other questions, contact our office for a business management consultation. 

Apple Guerin Company LLC Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808

CPA Near Me | Career Tips for New Businesses

Starting your professional career can be one of the most exciting (and anxious) times of your life. Whether you are beginning your own business or joining one, there are several important aspects to keep in mind. We have compiled a quick guide that will help you manage your priorities as a new business owner with confidence.

  1. Protect Your Work-Life Balance – While you might be used to a heavy schedule during your years in academia, don’t let yourself burn out. You deserve a healthy work-life balance. By setting expectations and following them, you can enjoy your time with friends, family, or hobbies without feeling tread on by your work schedule.
  2. Know Your Strengths – Your practice should center on two things: what you are compassionate about, and what you are incredible at. Don’t pursue a specialty just to appeal to your community if it isn’t something you are excited about. Focusing on your strengths will bring you more satisfaction in your work as well as higher quality to your service.
  3. Manage Your Debt – Graduates usually have a significant trail of student debt following them. Whether you refinance, make extra payments, or choose an alternate repayment plan, focus on reducing your balance instead of simply paying off the interest. Don’t forget to contribute early to your retirement fund, either. The best time to start saving was yesterday.
  4. Successful Business Management – A business needs a strong leader. Schools don’t typically prepare you for the financial and leadership elements of your career, so don’t be afraid to seek coaches or consultants. With the right mentor, both you and your business can succeed.
  5. Continue Your Education – The last advice you want to hear as a new business owner is ‘more schooling,’ but it’s true. Once you have settled in, you should look for new opportunities to hone your skills. There exists a world of workshops, lectures, and courses that can further your passion in business, bring you confidence in your work, and improve the value of your company.

With the right mindset and plan, you can build yourself up as a new business owner, achieving your leadership and financial goals. If you are considering starting your own business, our team will be the resource you need to secure your future in success. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

If you have other questions, contact our office for a business management consultation. 

Apple Guerin Company LLC Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808

CPA Baton Rouge | Opportunity Called – Did You Answer?

Baton Rouge CPA

The first step to growing your business is attracting new clients. Your website, social media, and marketing are all geared toward the idea of getting people to call your office. To help convert this interest into new customer appointments, you have probably spent time selecting and training the team members who answer the phones during office hours. But have you considered what happens when a prospective customer calls when the business is closed?

Many businesses do not have any coverage for phone calls outside their hours of operation or during lunch hour. Others have an impersonal answering machine advising callers of the business hours and perhaps offering to record a message. This can be extremely frustrating for your customers, both current and prospective.

If your customer discovers on Friday afternoon or evening that they will need to reschedule an appointment set for Monday morning, chances are that message will not be heard until it is too late to move another patient into the opening. If your phones are being answered outside working hours, this can be addressed much more promptly, leading to better scheduling and happier customers.

You may be wondering how to arrange to have 24/7 phone coverage. There are a few options available, but one of the most economical and most personal for your business is to train some of your team members to share the responsibility. No one has better knowledge of your practice, your customers, and your schedule than your own team. You will want to decide on the best way to compensate them for the added time, such as paying them a set amount per weekend or evening day or an amount per call answered.

Once this is determined, arrange a rotation for the team members who will participate. Your main phone line can be forwarded to a business-owned mobile phone during off-hours, which can be held by the team member on call. Be sure that each person has your after-hours contact information in case of an emergency, especially when you are first launching this system.

After a few months, hold a meeting with all the involved team members to review the number of after-hours calls you receive, what times are most common, and how many are converted into new appointments for your business. This can help you value the ROI for this new plan of action and to determine whether your office benefits from full 24/7 coverage or if a more limited extension of hours is more cost-effective.

If you have other questions, contact our office for a business management consultation. 

Apple Guerin Company LLC Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808

CPAs in Baton Rouge | Protecting Your Practice from Employee Embezzlement

Employee embezzlement is not a rare occurrence in today’s society. More specifically, the healthcare industry, including dentistry, consistently ranks in the top three industries in terms of employee embezzlement cases. The average employee embezzlement amount exceeds $100,000. This is a frightening reality for businesses. Often between talking with clients, managing their staff and staying updated on the newest technologies, business owners have limited time for tracking the business’ finances. Below are suggested tips to help reduce the chances of being a victim to employee embezzlement.

Click here to read the entire article.

If you have other questions, contact our office for a business management consultation. 

Apple Guerin Company LLC Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Baton Rouge CPA | Toxic Employees

CPA in Baton Rouge

Hiring is time-consuming, stressful, and sometimes costly. In some cases, this causes business owners to avoid firing an employee long after it has become clear that the person is damaging the overall work environment. Finding the right person for your office can be challenging. However, continuing to retain a toxic employee can be far more costly for you and your business.

What is a “toxic employee?”

A toxic employee is easily recognized for exhibiting several, if not all, of the following behaviors:

  • Bad attitude: This includes eye-rolling, muttering, snide comments, complaints, confrontational tone, and passive-aggressive speech or actions.
  • Lack of engagement: This can include work-avoidance, lack of enthusiasm, unwillingness to accept responsibilities, and being inattentive in meetings and huddles.
  • Dishonesty: Whether this involves refusal to accept accountability, blaming others for mistakes, or outright lies and thefts, dishonesty is harmful to your business and your team.
  • Poor work performance: While a new team member may experience a learning curve at first, the toxic employee never rises above the bare minimum of what has been explicitly listed as expected. In many cases, they may not even be fully or properly completing work. They are uninterested in feedback or training and unwilling to work to improve.

Do you recognize anyone in your office from these descriptions? If so, it’s time to pull the plug.

When you continue to keep a toxic employee on your staff, you may avoid the headaches of the hiring process in the short term. However, you are creating a host of other problems for yourself that will cost you a great deal more time, money, and energy to solve in the long term.

One toxic employee in your office can cause:

  • Loss of new customers: If a toxic employee is interacting with potential customers, they are creating a negative image of your business, which can lose hundreds or thousands of dollars in revenue.
  • Loss of existing customers: If your clients are treated poorly even once, they may choose to take their business elsewhere – and they may tell others.
  • Loss of your best team members: Your best people want to work in a positive environment where they feel supported and appreciated. By tolerating the complaints or shoddy work of one toxic person, you risk losing team players to a company that maintains a better atmosphere.

Don’t compromise your business or your best team members by refusing to fire toxic employees. For more strategies to improve your business, contact our office.

Apple Guerin Company LLC Phone: (255) 767-1020

6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808