Baton Rouge LA Dentist | Why a CPA Is Your Most Valuable Asset

Your business is important, and you are at the heart of it as a CEO. If you own a business, or are one of several owners in a partnership-based business, you should be placing a high priority on making sure your business is successful. That means looking for ways to grow revenue, trim overhead, maximize business deductions, and minimize your tax liability. A CPA can help your business achieve all these goals. Here’s how.

They’re Specialists

A CPA is more than just a generic accountant. CPAs work with business owners like you to improve business frequently. This means that they have specialized knowledge that other accountants lack. CPAs should have an insider’s grasp of your industry, including expenses, trends, and the best ways to lower a practice’s tax burden. They also understand what new equipment is delivering the best return on investment, and how to save money every year from the depreciation of assets unique to the dentistry field.

They Can Analyze Your Firm’s Financial Health

The benefits of having a CPA go far beyond just getting an advantageous grip on your business’s taxes, though. They can also apply their financial acumen to your overall business model. An experienced CPA will be able to look at a business’s financial reports and determine how it can reduce its expenses and increase profits. They’re trained to recognize financial oversights and areas of inefficiency specific to the industry.

Given just a few months to carefully analyze your business finances, a CPA will be able to make insightful, actionable suggestions that make an immediate difference.

Industry Benchmarks

Benchmarking is the practice of comparing a business’s performance metrics with both competitors and the highest standards in the industry. While a business in Ohio may have no idea how their business compares with firms in California, Texas, or New York, a good CPA does. They’re thoroughly versed in the industry’s key performance indicators (KPIs). These include metrics like client loads, profit margins, and the percentage of active clients.

Some business leaders that are primarily focused on their customers and the day to day aspects of their profession may have never even considered evaluating their business in these ways. But benchmarks and KPIs are powerful ways to frame and understand your business. CPAs can leverage those tools better than anyone. Our office offers you expert guidance on all of these financial strategies and more. Contact us today and learn more about the many ways a CPA can help you.

CPA Baton Rouge | Common Payroll Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

CPA 70808

CPA Baton RougeHandling payroll for a dental practice is often thought of as a simple task. The truth, however, is that there are many minor errors that can easily lead to major problems. Train your team to catch these small mistakes your practice might be making, so you can be sure to avoid them in the future.

Estimated Recordkeeping – Don’t wait until the day before payroll is due to log shifts worked for the pay period. Days can begin to blend together and it can be challenging to recall who worked which days and times after the fact. Looking through notes and emails to figure out past days’ activities can be stressful and even inaccurate, leading to incorrect pay.

Employee Misclassifications – There are many differences, at both federal and state levels, between an employee and a contractor. Make sure you classify your team members, temporary replacement workers, and anyone else in payroll correctly to ensure an accurate, streamlined process. Depending on the infraction and your area, heavy penalties can occur for misclassified worker pay.

Not Tracking Bonuses or Gifts – Work trips or group outings are no problem, but any sort of bonus or gift that has monetary value needs to be tracked. Gift cards are a common example of this. Make sure to keep a running log of any exchanges like these for year-end purposes.

Paying Employees Wrong Rates – When employees are hired, given a raise, or have their pay otherwise adjusted, make sure this is correctly logged in the system or software you use. Using an hourly wage in a program to pay as salary can have rounding problems, so double-check your work. Manual error or forgetting to process a raise on the books right away can lead to owing back-pay or other issues in the future.

Holidays or Haphazard Payroll – Try to set a fixed schedule for your payroll. When holidays affect the normal cycle, have an established plan to deal with it appropriately. Depending on your area, missing or late payroll can create tax headaches or incur penalties, as well as causing hardship for your team.

Payroll can be a straightforward and mistake-free process at your practice, but it requires proper oversight and attention. Keep an airtight system, follow up on any mistakes, and think ahead. For more information on how to handle payroll or tax concerns, contact our office.

Apple Guerin Company LLC
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
(255) 767-1020

CPAs Baton Rouge | Are You Setting the Right Goals?

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No matter how effective you are at vision casting, dreams require hard work and strategic planning to become a reality. Highly successful business owners know the benefits of setting realistic and measurable goals. Rethink the way you are setting goals for your business. Your ambitious plans will be successful only if you have a road map to reach them. By mastering the art of setting incremental, measurable goals, you’ll be able to more effectively to reach them. For more tips on managing your practice, contact our firm today.

Plan out the steps, not just the big picture.

Start small by establishing smaller goals on a quarterly, monthly, or even daily basis. It can be easy to let ambition take over and lose track of the work required to reach your ultimate objective. Setting smaller, incremental goals provides the opportunity for you to celebrate the small victories along the journey and reassess early if something isn’t working.

Measure your success.

How will you know if you achieved your goal if you cannot measure it? Goals should have a measurable standard. Perhaps you want to see 5 more new patients each month or to increase the number of referrals by 50%. Set specific goals that are easy to track. This will help you to definitively know whether or not you’ve reached them and, if not, have a tangible metric of how much you still need to accomplish.

Make your goals visible.

The more visible your goals are, the greater pressure you’ll feel to meet them. Make sure everyone in your practice is aware of what you’re trying to achieve. This will not only ensure that they’re actively helping you reach your goals, but will also provide a source of accountability to hold you to your word. Putting up visual reminders can also be a simple way to accomplish a similar effect. The more you’re reminded of your goal, the more likely you are to work towards it.

Real growth doesn’t happen passively. In order to take your practice to the next level, you need to set goals to help you get there. Whether these goals are financial, patient-oriented, or focused on personal development, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more!

Apple Guerin Company LLC
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
(255) 767-1020