Thinking About Selling Your Business? | Baton Rouge CPA

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When the time comes to sell your business, it can be quite intimidating. Many questions may be going through your mind, such as: How do you make sure the business you’ve worked so hard for is going to be in the right hands? And, when is the best time for me to sell my business?

The good news is you don’t have to face these important questions alone when selling your business. Our accounting team in 70808 is here to help guide you and educate you about what to consider when it’s time to sell. We have helped many business owners just like you complete successful, mutually beneficial transitions. 

Determine a “Why”

Why are you considering selling your business in the first place? Is your business underperforming financially? Had the responsibility become too much to handle at this stage in your life?

Or is it a more personal reason, like the loss of passion for your business? Pinning down the specific reason why you want to sell your business is an important first step in figuring out if it is a prudent move, or if it’s a mistake.

Timing is Key

If you have determined your “why” and think you are ready to sell your business, it is important to look at the timing. Do you have a set sell-by date, or are you going to take your time?

An important part of the selling process is knowing how you want to time each step, which can make or break a deal in the end. Assessing the appropriate time to sell can take more time, but it is better than setting an arbitrary date that increases pressure and affects the results of the sale. Taking your time will be much more rewarding in the end.

Consider Partnering with Outside Experts
Handling every aspect of selling your business without help is a full-time job. To make the process smoother, consider using partners or enlisting outside help like a broker to help with the closing, or a marketing agency to help you find the right buyer. These added resources will save time and help with your bottom line at the end of the process. 

Many factors should be considered when selling your business. Be patient and give yourself time to make sure you make the right decision. Such an important decision can have many repercussions and getting help from outsiders will only make the process easier in the long run.

If you are looking for expert assistance in the sale of your business, call our accounting firm in Baton Rouge, LA today and find out how we can help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808