The Transformative Power of Team Feedback | CPA Near Me

Baton Rouge Accountant

As a business owner or manager, you are accustomed to giving feedback to your employees; but are you able to take it, as well? Learning to solicit and leverage employee opinions regarding your operation and your leadership are important growth tools. Here is how to gracefully accept feedback as a business leader.   

Baton Rouge Financial Consultant

Actively Seek Opinions

When you solicit input, you give your team members license to offer valuable insight into the health of your operation. Listen carefully and you just might discover a money-saving innovation that changes your business for the better. As small business accountants, we see transformations like this frequently.

Whether feedback is delivered in an informal, water-cooler context or a formal meeting, it provides important opportunities to improve processes. Be sure to seek opinions as frequently as possible and praise helpful feedback in front of the team. 

Think Constructively

When feedback is less than positive, listen with an open heart and mind, praise honesty, and listen closely for growth opportunities. 

  • Do not react without considering the other person’s intent
  • Learn why the person feels the way they do 
  • Ask clarifying questions to help you fully understand others’ viewpoints
  • Take time to digest the information if needed 

It is never wrong to reenter a discussion later on from a different perspective. Taking whatever space and time you need will likely help you use feedback in a constructive way and enable you to better understand your leadership style. Team members will also be open to a thoughtful approach.

Make Time to Self-Reflect

A conversation with an employee or team manager is only one way to receive feedback; you can also learn about your strengths and challenges through self-reflection. Keep a journal to track successes and opportunities, and then look for patterns. Read self-help books or talk to a business consultant for insight.

Employee feedback can turn into a golden opportunity to strengthen your business and leadership style. You did not become an entrepreneur by caving to criticism from the outside; you likely used it strategically. Think of feedback from your employees the same way.

If employee feedback sparks an idea for a new service line or financial savings, our small business accounting firm is ready to show you how to turn inspiration into reality. Contact our Baton Rouge LA CPA office

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Baton Rouge, LA 70808